The Affection Connection: The Importance of Relationships as We Age

Living Livita
February 24, 2021
senior homes Oakville

"Of all the experiences we need to survive and thrive, it is the experience of relating to others that is the most meaningful and important." – Louis Cozolino, Professor of Psychology

As we grow older, social isolation becomes one more concern we have to deal with. Feelings of isolation can lead to physical and mental health issues. It is vital to choose retirement communities that value social interactions as much as physical health.

Social Interaction at Senior Homes in Oakville

According to Cozolino, our brains are social organs that need to connect. This means that the more human interaction we get, the better for our brains. People who have healthy social support are more likely to have improved:

  • Mental health
  • Heart health
  • Immune systems
  • Cognitive performance

According to research conducted in a Harvard Medical School Nurses' Health Study, socially integrated individuals can have greater health and more satisfaction with life. People tend to live longer, happier lives when they have happy relationships.

Retirement homes in Oakville provide older adults opportunities to be socially integrated. The community atmosphere that we have is a great way to maintain and create quality social interactions.

Valuing Meaningful Relationships

Social relationships get better with age because older adults tend to have healthier relationships.

At our senior home in Oakville, there are plenty of ways we promote meaningful interactions:

  1. Leisure & Recreation Activities. There is always a list of activities for social interaction. This gives our residents plenty of time to spend with friends and loved ones.
  • Community Involvement. We take pride in promoting a strong sense of community for our residents. Community work gives our Oakville seniors the chance to bond with fellow residents and boost their well-being.
  • Ambassador Program. We always make sure that our new residents feel welcome right from the start. Our ambassador program helps new residents adapt well to this new and exciting chapter of their lives. We believe this also encourages better social integration within our community.

Building Enriching Relationships in Our Retirement Community

Queens Avenue Retirement Residence aims to build a community that feels like family. We know how friendships benefit one's health and well-being. Our team is always trying to create new ways to promote positive relationships among our residents. If you are looking for a senior home that fosters a positive social environment, contact us today. You can check out our virtual tour or even book a tour with our friendly team!

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