How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Senior Living in Oakville

Living Livita
July 16, 2020

It’s important to stay positive and do whatever you can to make the most out of life and stay in good spirits. There is something that you can practice from the comfort of your Oakville senior residence community to help improve your mood day to day. It’s called Mindfulness.

What is Mindfulness?

Simply put, it’s the practice of paying attention to how your mind and body feel without any self-judgment. It’s like when you have a good friend that listens to your problems and tells you that they hear what you’re saying and will be there for you. With Mindfulness, you work on being that person for yourself. Mindfulness is a practice that is often used in tandem with meditation and both have ample benefits. If you want to learn more about the benefits of meditation during your senior living in Oakville, we have a blog about it from earlier this month that’s a good place to look if you want to start that practice as well.

How Do I Implement Mindfulness in my
Senior Living in Oakville?

While mindfulness is different for
everyone, there are some ways of going about it that are particularly

  • Pick a few daily activities
    and pay attention to them.
    You need to get used to
    understanding what’s going on in your mind and body, and your daily activities
    are a great way to practice.
  • Take deep breaths and focus
    on them.
    This helps you feel calm and focus in on
    how you feel.
  • Observe other sensations
    around you.
    If you’re sitting in a chair, you can
    try to focus on how that feels. Or you can listen to the background noise and
    try to notice all the little bits of sound that go into that
  • Practice it when you already
    feel great.
    Even though this is a practice that is
    meant to help improve mood, it can help to try to do it when your mood is
    already high because it’s easier to practice something when you don’t need it.

4 Ways Mindfulness Benefits Your Senior
Living in Oakville

  1. Increases in the Ability to Focus: Mindfulness helps your thoughts become more manageable and therefore it helps you from getting distracted from what’s at hand.
  2. Boost in Memory Retention and Recall: When you make a point of looking after yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions, your brain is able to function more efficiently while you enjoy life in your independent living senior home in Oakville.
  3. Reduction in Stress: As you learn to judge your thoughts and emotions less, they become less stressful for you.
  4. Decrease in Mood Swings: If you find that you’re upset easily or that you react very emotionally to daily life, Mindfulness can help you curb that emotion in a healthy way so you can encounter daily stresses in a calm and collected manner.

An Oakville Senior Residence Community
to Help Keep Your Mind at Ease

 At Queens Avenue Retirement Residence, we believe in and practice person-centered care. Your health isn’t our only concern when you join our community, your mental and emotional health, as well as your goals for your life all matter to us. (Cialis) If you want to learn more about how we support your journey to a better self and your best life, contact us to find out more.

 [AH1]Link to meditation blog from earlier in the month

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